"If a person offers Me with love and devotion
leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."
Lord Sri Krishna (B.-g., 9.26)
the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord, concluding His description of the method of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, says: "Whatever you do, whatever you sacrifice and give, whatever ascetics you perform, do it, O son of Kunti, as an offering to Me" (B.-g., 9.27).
There He also says that man should eat only what was first offered to Him.
Prasad is spiritual food
So, offering food to Krishna is an integral part of the bhakti-yoga system. The Lord also describes the kinds of offerings. (B.-g., 9.2).
Through such activities the senses are gradually spiritualized and they begin to be attracted to spiritual pleasures far beyond those wich are available to us in material life.
If person accepts only the food offered to Lord Krishna, then it is vegetarianism of the highest order. After all, many animals, particularly pigeons and monkeys, do not eat meat either, so vegetarianism in itself is not yet a great achievement. The Vedas say that the purpose of human life is to restore the soul's original connection with God, and prasad is very conducive to this. Prasad is spiritualized food offered to God, prepared according to the standards of purity, with love and devotion. Food that elevates and transforms the consciousness of man. |
The Holy Quran gives very clear instructions about what is food for man: "And We (Allah) said: O Adam! Live you and your wife in the garden and eat whatever fruit you wish." (2:35) "And announce the good news to all those who believed in Allah and did good deeds. Gardens lined with rivers await them, and whenever they are presented with fruits from there, they will exclaim." (2,25)
"Allah is the One Who created the heavens and the earth, pours water from the heavens to the earth, and brings forth fruits for you to eat." It is clear from these three ayats of the Quran that when Allah created Adam and Eve, He gave them fruits to eat. And when the righteous go to paradise, they eat fruits. When Allah created the earth, He also gave people fruits to eat. And from the life of the holy Prophet of Islam we see that his daily food was bread, milk and dates. Hazrat Muhammad often emphasized that Islam meant treating every living being as himself. One of Hazrat Muhammad's first instructions after taking Mecca was, "No one should mistreat another. It is not permissible to kill animals, and it is not even permissible to cut down a tree in Mecca."